
Therapautic Guidelines

In Australia, there is no official guideline, but the most used are Therapeutic Guidelines, which is an independent non-profit company. It is user pays, however.

In Belgium (Flanders) the guidelines that are of interest for our Grin group can be found at

Domus Medica

after each guideline the year of publication is mentioned with the note “actueel” or “in herziening”. The first is referring to the fact that the guideline is ok and recently have been updated. The latter term means that it has to revised.

Most important recent guidelines are:

Preventie van influenza in de huisartsenpraktijk (2018; Actueel) 

Domus Medica – Prevention of influenza in general practice

Acute Keelpijn (2017; Actueel)

Domus Medica – Acute sore throat

Aanhoudende hoest bij kinderen (2016;  Actueel)

Domus Medica – Persistent cough in children

Cystitis bij vrouwen (2016; actueel)

Domus Medica – Cystitis in the woman

There is also a BAPCOC guide which provides a practical overview of current guidelines concerning infectious diseases. Short treatment recommendations are given. The 3th edition will be ready at the end of 2018.

Belgian committee for the coordination of antibiotic policy (BAPCOC)

Almost all French guidelines related to infectious diseases are available here: 

Infectiologie – Recommandations

National antibiotic prescribing guidelines are also included in a widely-used primary care computerised decision-support system: 

Antibioclic: rational antibiotic therapy in primary care

Here is the link of the guidelines published by the German Guidelines of the German College of General Practitioners and Family Physicians

German College of General Practitioners and Family Physicians (DEGAM) 

This is another link to the guidelines of the Association of the Scientific Medical Societies (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Wissenschaftlichen Medizinischen Fachgesellschaften, AWMF) of Germany. The AWMF develops recommendations and resolutions and represents them at the institutions occupied with such tasks, i.e. in the area of research strategies, education, and postgraduate training.

Association of the Scientific Medical Societies in Germany (AWMF) – Clinical practice guidelines

Health Service Executive (HSE)

HSE – Antibiotic Prescribing Guidelines

About antibiotics prescribing in primary care. Guidelines on prescribing antibiotics for adults and children.

Please find below the link to Polish guidlines for antibiotic use in community acquired respiratory tract infections, part of the package of National Program of Antibiotics Protection, led by the National Institut of Medicines.

National Antibiotic Protection Program

The Swedish guidelines for infections in primary care are presented on the “Strama” page. There you can find recommendations for treatment of infections for both primary and secondary care.

We also have a short version with all recommendations for infections in primary care gathered in a small booklet – the Rainbow-booklet – which you also can find on that page. A new version of that booklet will be presented in a couple of months

Collaboration Against Antibiotic Resistance (STRAMA) – Treatment recommendations for common infections in outpatient care

NICE/PHE guidance for common infections in primary care has been published in summary table format (31st October 2018):

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) – antimicrobial prescribing guidelines

PHE context, references and rationales can be found at: – Managing common infections: guidance for primary care